Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been an ongoing problem in the Midwest since being discovered in southeast Michigan in 2002. Since 2002, the infestation of the Midwest has spread to over 18 states (as of 2013), affecting millions of Ash trees (Genus: Fraxinus). Emerald Ash Borer (Agruius planipennis Fairmaire) is an invasive insect, originally native to Asia, Russia, and China. All 16 cultivars of Ash trees native to North America are susceptible to Emerald Ash Borer, and left untreated, all will eventually succumb to the insect.

The Emerald Ash Borer feeds on the vital layer between the bark and the trunk. This area of the tree, the Cambium, is responsible for transporting water and nutrients between the roots and the leaves of the tree.  Once infested, the Ash tree will start to show symptoms in the upper canopy first, usually in the form of die-back, or dead branches.  Occasionally, the tree will grow new “shoots” or sprouts from the trunk of the tree after the top starts to die. Another way to know if your tree is infested, is by the presence of 1/8 inch “D” shaped exit holes in the bark of the infested tree. The exit holes are usually found starting in early summer. In heavy infestations, the bark of infested trees may also start splitting, due to the insect’s larva feeding.

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Quick Emerald Ash Borer Facts:

  1. Being a non-native insect, they have no known natural predators in the U.S.
  2. There are over 12 million Ash trees in the Chicago Region, and over 125 Million in Illinois.
  3. Emerald Ash Borer have already killed over 25 Million Ash Trees in the Midwest, since being discovered in 2002.
  4. Current available protective treatments will help.

How Long Does It Take To Kill An Ash Tree?

Usually, after infestation is noticed, the top of the tree will die off within 2 years. The remainder of the tree will usually die off within 5 years, but can die within 2-3 year

s depending upon the severity of the infestation.

What If My Neighbour Has Emerald Ash Borer?

RSH Ash Borer Trunk insect

Odds are that your Ash tree will soon be infected by the borer. Adult EAB’s can fly up to ½ mile from where they are hatched. Even if your trees are healthy, they are still susceptible to EAB. Starting a preventative treatment plan for your Ash trees is highly recommended.

Emerald Ash Borer Treatments

Although a work-in-progress, the current best treatment for Emerald Ash Borer is to treat with a systemic chemical application that transfers throughout the Ash tree.  Many chemical manufacturers, government agencies, and universities are working on this problem, conducting studies to find the best treatment and application times.

Cost Of Treating For Emerald Ash Borer

The cost of treating Ash trees for the Emerald Ash Borer can vary depending upon the number of Ash trees you have, and the extent of the infestation. Usually, EAB treatment starts at $125 for one tree and goes as low as $25 if you have a number of Ash trees to be treated.

Is Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Effective?

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Research and field tests have shown that treatment for Emerald Ash Borer can be effective using current application techniques. However, treatment of any insect that feeds “under the bark” is a difficult task. Emerald Ash Borer is especially difficult because most North American trees do not have a natural resistance to this foreign invader. Treatment has shown to greatly extend the life of infested trees and severely slow the damage.

Do-It-Yourself Emerald Ash Borer Treatments

For Ash trees under 8" in diameter, homeowners can treat Emerald Ash Borer themselves by using the chemical imidacloprid, which can be found in Bayer Advanced Garden Tree & Shrub Insect Control. Larger trees should be let to the professionals,please contact our office for a quote.

More Information On Emerald Ash Borer

More information can be found at he following websites:

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